A Midsummer Suede Dream

While strolling in Kirkland last week, I decided to give in to the lesser of two evils (shopping or eating my weight in gelato) and found this amazing suede dress on sale!

As a fashion blogger with a moderate budget, it’s important to me to find versatile pieces that create a cohesive wardrobe to stretch my dollar and style as far as possible. When I shop, I try and think about my purchases before I make them. I always ask myself 3 questions to determine if an item is worth purchasing.

BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (7)
All photos by Chay Bigger Photography

BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (2)

Before I get over excited and start sliding my credit card, I ask myself:

1. How many occasions can I wear this?

2. Does this item fit in well with my wardrobe?

3. Does the price justify the item?

BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (4)

1. How many occasions can I wear this?

In order to avoid a closet full of work clothes or a closet full of casual looks, question the amount of occasions you can wear an item. It’s best to balance the majority of your wardrobe with items you can wear to work, during the weekend, a special occasion and even a night out. The primary reason I bought this dress was because I could wear it to work with a blazer, on the weekend with sneakers, or to a dressy event with heels.


BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (8)


BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (5)

2. Does this item fit in well with my wardrobe?

Ask yourself if you already have pieces in your closet to complement the item you’re considering. I love this tan dress because I can think of endless ways to style it with items I already have – a leather jacket, statement jewelry, or some studded heels. (Seriously, it took me a while to decide on how I styled it below). It’s great to have unique, standout items but building a wardrobe that coordinates well together creates more outfits and reduces spending.

BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (10)

3. Does the price justify the item?

Finally, ask yourself if the price matches how many occasions you will wear the piece and how well it fits into your wardrobe. Personally, I am willing to pay more for pieces that I can wear on more occasions and work well with what I already have. This question definitely differs from person to person, but this dress on sale for $40 was not a question!

BISHOP + YOUNG Suede Short Sleeve Shift Dress (3)

As a fashion junkie who is distracted by almost anything in sight, I swear by these 3 questions! Considering the amount of use, price, and versatility of a piece of clothing has kept me from spending too much money and having a full closet with nothing to wear.

Do you have any shopping tips to build a cohesive wardrobe, to avoid over spending, or to reduce frivolous purchases? Comment below, I’d love to hear about it!

About Bailey

Seattle fashion blogger at hotdresshotmess.com

One thought on “A Midsummer Suede Dream

  1. Whenever I find something I think I have to have, I always try to envision at least 3 outfits that I could wear with it. If I can’t do that within the first minute or two of picking it up, I put it back. It’s really helped me narrow down on what I buy. :)

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